

Sourcing Guide to Hire Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Engineers

 Who are the Cloud Engineers:

Cloud engineers are responsible for performing the technical duties associated with cloud computing. The larger organizations are most likely to break the role up into multiple positions for more specialized expertise. The essential for a cloud engineer is to have experience with at least one of the major cloud providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Openshift.

In this new age, every modern business requires new cloud solutions. It is not a surprise that cloud architects are among the top three most in-demand IT jobs for 2021

The cloud engineering market size is expected to grow from USD 4.20 Billion in 2016 to USD 13.43 Billion by 2022, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 23.2% during the forecast period (Link Here). And IDC estimates that over a million cloud computing jobs will be created in India by 2022.

 Glimpse of the GCP Platform:

Skills and experience to look for Google Cloud Architect:

  •     Knowledge of state-of-the-art cloud technologies and architectural principles
  •     Experience with scaling cloud applications
  •     Understanding of cost, performance, and architecture of cloud systems
  •     Collaboration and communication skills

Check this link by LinkedIn Team to see the Sample Cloud Engineer Job Description.

Out of Box ways to Hire Google Cloud Engineers:

 1. Googlecloudcertified.credential.net:

Try this website: https://googlecloudcertified.credential.net and this is Google Cloud Credential Holder Directory. At the moment, there are about  20,219 Directory Members across the Globe. You have an plenty of options to filter according to Credentials, Locations, Skills and Availability [ Note: This website is accredited by Google Cloud] 

 2. X Ray Search:

 Try this search string : (GCP | "Google Cloud Platform" AROUND * experience) (GCP | "Google cloud Platform" AROUND * cloud) ("@gmail.com"|"+91") -inurl:linkedin.com (inurl:resume | intitle:resume | inurl:cv | intitle:cv | inurl:vitae | intitle:vitae) (bangalore|bengaluru|India) -sample -samples -jobs -examples -templates -inurl:postjobfree.com

The above search strings generates about 459 Resumes along with the candidate's resume and their Contact number/e-mail address.