

Alternative to LinkedIn: The Org - Global database of organizations charts

The Org is a professional community (website) where it gives you an option to explore any company's organizational chart (Currently free to use). 
While using LinkedIn platform (Microsoft Owned Network), it comes up with little short (specifically at the leadership teams) : you can search by company names, but chances are that you get a list of people based on their connectivity to you, and otherwise in no particular order (including people who may no longer even be at the company). 
The Org is announcing $11 million in funding: a Series A of $8.5 million, and a previously unannounced seed round of $2.5 million. They are Co-headquartered in New York and Copenhagen, Denmark. The Org was founded by Christian Wylonis and Andreas Jarbøl in November 2017.  
The Org can be useful for recruiters / executive search consultants who would like to do the talent mapping, useful for whom to model their own organizational charts, or salespeople who are interested in seeing who does what.
Here is quick view for you:
1. You can search the Organizations and there are about 1,14,487 organizations on the The Org
2. View on the Organization chart:

Explore "The Org" by clicking this link : The Org
The Org gathers the data through a combination of AI, research, and crowdsourcing methods to verify the information.